
I did my first -reckless- lecture in an official undergraduate program in 2002, when I was only 22. Since then, I have lectured in several programs and universities in Catalonia.

For other academic information and research projects, ask me (carles -at- for a copy of my complete cv.

Actual positions:
Past positions:
  • Assistant Professor of Digital Culture and Interactive Narratives at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
  • Academic Coordinator of the BA in Media Studies at UPF, Barcelona.
  • Lecturer of Digital Media at BAU, UVIC, Barcelona, 2012-2016.
  • Director of the Digital Technologies for the Stage graduate program, IDEC, UPF, 2009-2011.
  • Lecturer of the The Digital Arts Graduate Program of UPF, 2007-2015.
  • Visiting Lecturer of creative coding, Desigh Bachelor, ELISAVA, 2010-2015.
  • Visiting lecturer at the Stage Design Program, ELISAVA, Barcelona, 2012-2015.
  • Assistant of theThe Digital Arts Graduate Program of UPF, 2005-2007.
  • Founder of the design exhibition studio, 2008-2012.
  • Comunication lead of the Artfutura festival, 2002-2005.
Past teaching activity:
  • End-of-Degree Workshop on Interactive Communication, Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication (2012-).
  • Digital Culture, Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication, UPF, (2008-).
  • Interactive Narratives, Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication, UPF, (2015).
  • Design of interactive audiovisual projects, Design Bachelor, BAU/UVIC, (2012-2016).
  • 3D animation, Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication, UPF, (2009-2016).
  • Design and Scripting interactive cultural projects, Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication, UPF, (2010-).
  • Real-time audiovisual programming (max/msp/jitter), Master in Digital Arts, UPF, (2007-2015).
  • Digital theater, Stage Design, ELISAVA, UPF (2011-2015).
  • Mathematics for design (Processing), Design Bachelor, ELISAVA, (2010-2015).
  • Digital technologies and cultural heritage. Ofical Master in Cultural Heritage Managment, UB, (2010-2013).
  • Interactive interfaces for digital arts, Master in Digital Arts, UPF, (2006-2009).
  • Interactive video, Master in Digital Video, UPF, (2010-2011).
  • Interactive video for performing arts, Postgraduate program in Digital Technologies for the Stage, UPF, (2010).
  • Director of Postgraduate course in Digital Technologies for the Stage, UPF, (2009-2011).
  • Video design and Video Art, Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication, UPF, (2009).
  • Infographic techniques, Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, UPF, (2008-2010).
  • Real time video and interactive systems, B.S. Multimedia, CITM, UPC, (2008).
  • Multimedia and digital arts, Visual Culture Studies program, UB, (2002-2004).
Complete list of invited conferences and talks
List media coverage and interviews
carles at
Carles Sora / Despatx 52.803.
Roc Boronat 138, Barcelona 08018
Catalunya / Spain
Telf: +34935421238
My first interactive game: Donkey Kong Jr, de la sèrie Games & Watch de Nintendo, 1984!